Andolasia With 6 Months Old Baby Travel Diary Of The Chrissed Family

Andolasia With 6 Months Old Baby Travel Diary Of The Chrissed Family


Here is the story of Chrissand, who tells us about his journey in Andalusia with his baby e 6 months. What give us ideas for a family trip to Spain.

Can you introduce us, give us the age of the children during this family trip and the year of the trip to Andalusia and its duration?

We are a 30-year-old couple with a 21-month-old boy . In 2011, during our 2 weeks Andalusia trip , “mini Chrissand” was only 6 months old .

How did you prepare for this trip with your children and how did you travel?

Prepare your trip at the best price
  • Equip yourself
  • Book your flight 
  • Book your hotel with swimming pool
  • Your hotel tested and approved
  • Your custom family circuit

We first took a map of the area and selected the cities we wanted to visit. We have defined a route taking into account downtimes every 2 hours maximum for baby comfort (meals, walks, naps …)

We traveled by car to keep comfort, always for baby.

Where did you sleep in Andalusia? Do not hesitate to share with us your good addresses?

We stayed most of the time in cheap hotels or sometimes in small hostals, small rather family-oriented hotels, right in the historical heart of the cities visited .

>> All our accommodations in Spain tested and approved

Do you have good places to eat? And how is the food for children? Is it adapted to their taste?

We have often eaten in small restaurants along the roads or in the heart of small villages or sometimes even in the city center.

By cons, for the evening, as baby began its nights at 19h and we did not want to disturb during his sleep, we opted for sandwich meals in the hotel rooms! Every day, we bought local products (raw ham, cheeses, pasta …) in a grocery store or sometimes in a supermarket.

At the age of 6 months, our son had already started the food diversification and we opted for a reserve of small pots in the trunk of the car. So, it was not complicated for him, because we had only to warm his pot. And for milk products, infant milk yoghurt versions can be stored at room temperature just like milk powder.

What climate did you have in Andalusia? What kind of clothes do you need for this trip?

The Andalusian climate is rather dry and hot in summer . Temperatures can reach 45 ° C see more. This period should be avoided if you want to visit the area, especially with children.

We prefer to leave late April / early May because the weather is nice at this time: we had an average of 25/27 ° C.

Like any trip, you have to plan a bit of everything because you never know. Provide light clothing for warm days (shorts / t-shirt), warmer clothes (pants, sweater and windbreaker) for more cloudy or rainy days. And above all, a good pair of shoes to visit without hurting your feet!

Did you use any travel accessories or special equipment for the youngest (stroller, backpack, other …)

>> To find your baby and child travel accessories, here it is

We took the stroller to walk around without having to carry baby all the time. Baby napping the day either in the stroller or in the baby carrier (when it was not too hot!)

For meals, we had planned a removable high chair (the 4 feet stand out) and this accessory does not take up too much space in the trunk of the car. It is quite convenient in restaurants that do not necessarily have chairs and then for baby, it was a real treat to be seated at our table.

We still took the bed umbrella because in some hotels there was none.

What did you visit with your family during this trip to Andalusia? How did you organize the days with your children?

First of all, we applied ourselves to respect the rhythm of baby: Baby slept, ate, took the bath at the usual hours

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